ALL mobility options within reach of a Click

Do not settle for a vehicle, when you can have all the options on a single APP


We have the more Flexible Subscription model, with a flat monthly fee you can have access to a with variaty of vehicles to have the right one on the right time.

But if you need a vehicle for a project or a specific amount of time, you can select the FIXED Subscription an use a vehicle for 3 to 6 months.


Ideal if your company wants to start testing shared mobility and need it for 1 time or as temporal solution.

Just pay what you use and have access to all the different vehicles we have. All the employees will have access to the APP to reserve, have the authorization and drive, or use the private trips for personal use.

The easiest way to drive

Fill the form and select the service you want

Send the documentation we request bye email

Sign the digital contract from your office or home

Dowload the APP, reserve a vehicle and drive

If you select the Fixed Subscription, request your vehicle.

Revolutionizing Mobility


We care about having the right form of mobility on the right time, and owning a vehicle is not a solution because it stand sill 96% of the time.

Throuhg our On-demand or Subscription options, you will always are going to have the vehicle that fits your needs at that time.

What vehicle you need today?

Follow Mobility trends on our BLOG

Mazmobi on the news

First Corporate Mobility Carbon Offset Program

The partnership between Greenlines and Mazmobi is the first program in LATAM that generates an offset revenue incentive for corporations when they switch from internal combustion engine vehicles to low-carbon transport modes

Top 10 LATAM mobility startups

El mercado de la movilidad está creciendo en LATAM y Mazmobi está dentro de las 10 Startups que están revolucionando la movilidad. Con un modelo nuevo a través de economías de colaboración y sus soluciones de Carsharing y Suscripción.